Neuigkeiten & Fokus
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Fragen Sie uns
Compliance with the RoHS directive
The European RoHS directive, an acronym for Restriction on Hazardous Substances*, imposes limitations on the use of certain substances for the production of electrical and electronic components, except for cases in which they constitute an essential operational element for these articles.

Duralamp has undertaken to make the necessary changes during the selection of its raw materials as well as the production of the lamps and, where possible, has eliminated all polluting agents, even where not required to do so by current regulations and directives.

Duralamp is also committed to creating increasingly efficient lamps, combining greater energy savings with a lower consumption of polluting materials and respect for the environment.
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Zentrale und Werk
Dura Lamp S.r.l.
Via Pratese, 164
50145 Florenz - Italien

Registriert beim Firmenregister in Florenz
Steuer-Nr. und USt-IdNr. 03312240488
REA N. 353287
Gesellschaftskapital Euro 400.000,00 v.e.
Unter der Leitung und Koordination von 3F FILIPPI S.P.A.

Telefon: +39 055894881
Fax: +39 0558953032
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